sábado, 22 de junio de 2019


Metamorphic massage is a simple tool that allows us to move from feelings of limitation to access to our potential. The method is to lightly stroke the points on the feet, hands and head, which correspond to our time in the womb, where the patterns that shape and challenge us later begin.

Although it does not claim any specific healing power, metamorphic massage is based on the idea that massage applied with this metamorphic technique allows the individual to release deep blocks in the energy pattern of their body and achieve the resolution of stagnant patterns at the root of the problems in your life and your health.

The process by which a caterpillar becomes a butterfly reflects what happens inside us as we leave behind our patterns of psychological or physical difficulties and move into new areas of development.

With the treatment of the temporal structure of the nine months of pregnancy, the life force of the patient can alter the characteristics established or formed in the past (which still exert an effect on him) and get rid of them, through a process of understanding interior and expansion of consciousness.

Metamorphosis is the movement that drives us from our current identity to the one we can potentially reach, and which depends on us getting rid of our old patterns to achieve freedom. In this way, the patient's capacity to heal himself and to develop his life project is activated.
In practice, the therapist uses a light touch on the feet, hands and head, without imposing his will or attempting to direct the life force of the recipient in any way. Then an environment can arise in which the power and intelligence, which are already inherent in the person's life, will be the best guiding factor for the unique life that the person already is. Some people may want to talk, while others prefer to be quiet.

Effects and benefits of the metamorphic technique
In some cases, the answers are immediately noticeable, while in others they are more subtle. They can range from having more energy and confidence to improvements in physical, mental or emotional health, the release of old habits or gradually let go of the hurts of the past.

People often report significant changes in the way they see life and how they feel and think about themselves. In many cases, they experience a growing sense of purpose and inner strength.

People can also seek in metaphoric massage a way to create more than they need in their lives, both as individuals and in the world in general. Some people have described it as a "going home".

This technique can be received by people of all ages and in all physical conditions. In addition to the numerous benefits of any other type of massage, the metamorphic technique helps us, among other things, to:

Relieve physical and emotional tension
Improve emotional balance
Decrease insomnia problems
Improve self-esteem
Overcome fears and insecurity
Reduce hyperactivity in children, improving concentration
Prevent depression and stress
In pregnancy, it helps the pregnant woman feel confidence in the process. It also relieves swelling in the legs and reduces prenatal stress.

If you want to know more about this technique we will be delighted that you contact us to inform you about the individual sessions calling 954 605 3800

sábado, 9 de marzo de 2019

Healing With Reiki Krystal

  Reiki healing  have been a blessing for more than a century, now that we have access to this advance healing methods , these are have been updating and what's better, other techniques have appeared advanced healing that are very helpful in guiding receivers in their processes of being healthier. The Reiki Krystal is so far the most powerful tool that has to connect with the energies and symbols brought by the Stellar Masters eons of time and that we were not yet ready to receive them. The time has come to use them .
I was trained by Zolemgeh Estrella therapy channeler and Master in Reiki Krystal, Cosmic Healing  ,Holistic integrals Therapies  T.E.C. (therapies with the creator)

Cosmic healings, at a higher level than the golden Reiki and has been bestowed as a "divine gift" to humanity, by the flow of Universal life energy that the therapist or teacher manages in this technique, which is transmitted to the receiver from unconditional love.

 This method of healing does not replace the traditional medicine homeopathic, alternative, treatments or physical therapies, exciting or mental health supplies to the recipient; however the Reiki Krystal can be used in parallel to any treatment medical or psychological as an alternative and potent measure of healing process, accelerating recovery processes, being even more beneficial for the receiver.

 During the treatment of Reiki Krystal are channeled under the permission of the creator and the guardian angels sacred symbols. Is a powerful tool to heal which is considered the Reiki  Krystal is 36 times more advanced and powerful than those known so far, which will allow you to perform physical and spiritual cleansing exercises, cut implants and similar, perform cosmic exorcisms, handle the Sword of the Archangel Michael, The connection with its upper self, the basic handling of the pendulum and its use with the graphics; Among other wonderful healing tools.

"A new process has come in the form of light and
Complete healing, comes from other dimensions
Of consciousness through the stellar Masters
Of light, it's called Cosmic Healing through the
Reiki Krystal ".
— Zolemgeh Estrella



 The 11 powerful sacred symbols of the Reiki Krystal, as well as the Cosmic Sacred Fire is "channeled" by the Healers cosmic from the Supreme Universal source or the great sun , arming a cosmic healing room which is connected directly with the Cosmic Healing Station in dimensions of  superior consciousness. The Master in Reiki Krystal or healer to receive and place the sacred symbols on the receiver, he's being equally healed, if he required.
The Reiki Krystal is more than a healing instrument, is a form of personal and spiritual growth that leads us to the realization of the inner being.

If you want to feel the healing effects of  REIKI KRYSTAL

Make your Appointment with Victoria Calling 954 5124985
Visit our website www.divineconnectionwithvicky.com

miércoles, 25 de julio de 2018

Renaciendo como la Flor de Loto

La flor de Loto es un tipo de lirio de agua, cuyas raíces tienen su base en el fango y en el lodo de lagunas y lagos posee la semilla con mayor longevidad y resistencia: puede aguantar hasta 30 siglos antes de florecer sin perder su fertilidad

Se le considera una planta sagrada en India, China y en el antiguo Egipto.
Asi como el Ave Fenix , la flor de loto renace emergente de las aguas.  En la noche, los pétalos de la flor se cierran y la flor se sumerge se cierra para hundirse en el agua, pero al amanecer se alza de nuevo sobre el agua sucia, intacta y sin restos de impureza por la disposición de sus pétalos en forma espiral.

El loto es hermoso, pero su belleza es de alguna manera la sublimación de las turbias aguas de las que se alimenta la planta, de tal forma que el primer significado del loto es sumamente literal y se refiere a  la elevación de la conciencia, la transición del lodo y el sufrimiento de la experiencia humana cotidiana hacia la liberación de dicho sufrimiento o iluminación. El loto se alimenta del lodo, pero crece hacia la luz. Es como la union de lo divino y lo humano en la noche cae en el mundo de oscuridad  y al dia siguiente renace bella y hermosa , de lo oscuro a la luz,de lo negativo a lo positivo, la metamorfosis del alma ,simboliza el nacimento divino el crecimiento espiritual y la pureza del corazón y la mente  y su capacidad para hacerle frente a la oscuridad y renacer.

La flor de loto tiene la peculiaridad de ser la única flor que es fruto al mismo tiempo: el fruto tiene forma de cono invertido y está en su interior. Cuando la flor está cerrada no huele, pero cuando se abre su aroma es delicioso. Muchos consideran su aroma hipnótico, capaz de alterar los estados de la conciencia.

Si el loto hablara de amor, no sería un amor humano. Sería divino. Sería una infinita compasión que emanaría hacia todos, al igual que para todos brilla el sol. Una bondad incondicional y para siempre. El barro pestilente, la negra inmundicia subterránea de los apegos, los instintos, los deseos de una atracción animal, se transmutan en una benevolencia incondicional de aérea pureza, más allá del ego.

Tiene una connotación muy espiritual  de renacer y superar experiencias negativas hasta la trascendencia mucho que ver con nuestra vida.

Tortuga lenta pero segura

La tortuga es un aminal de poder por su larga vida, tranquila precavida y depreocupada es considerada como el más sabio de los espiritus en el reino animal.
 Entre sus virtudes estan  la longevidad, la orientacion y el  no resistirse.Tienen pocos depredadores debido a eso viven muchos años . Para las personas que admiran las tortugas este animal les da seguridad, sabiduria, estabilidad y proteccion.
Las personas que tengan una Tortuga como Animal de Poder, guardan mucho conocimiento, son reservadas y calladas, saben guardar muy bien los secretos y como amigas son las más confiables. Suelen ser personas muy precavidas, son ahorrativas. Suelen ser personas muy razonables, serenas y tranquilas,  estudiosas, solitarias y viajeras.  Les gusta conocer nuevas culturas y van por  el mundo entregando lo que tienen. Son personas introvertidas pero en ciertos momentos se vuelven extrovertidas.
La tortuga elige guiar a las almas que necesitan aprender la importancia de recorrer su propio camino sin dejarse contaminar por influencias externas. Nos inspiran a seguir los dictados del corazón y ser fieles a nosotros mismos y a nuestras propias creencias.
Es un animal que puede vivir en elelemento agua movimiento intuicion,emociones y en la tierra eso demuestra su flexibilidad. Recuerda lenta pero segura piensa sus movimientos y siempre hacia delante no da marcha atráz. Enseña a pensar cuidadosamente antes de actuar a fin de mantenerse constantemente equilibrados y poder actuar con amor, compartiendo con otros sus conocimientos y recursos

 Tómate las cosas con calma, estudia la situación en la que te encuentras inmerso y evita los peligros. No se trata de llegar el primero, sino de garantizarse el éxito caminando paso a paso y disfrutar del viaje.


jueves, 15 de marzo de 2018

El vuelo de la libélula

Hoy en mi caminata por la mañana llamó mi atención el vuelo de una libélula la observe como fluia como volaba y me dio curiosdad, las libélulas son criaturas muy antiguas, que han vivido en la tierra durante 200 millones de años, anteriores a los dinosaurios y sobrevivieron mucho tiempo después de su extinción.
El vuelo ágil de la libélula y su capacidad de moverse en todas las direcciones dan una sensación de poder y equilibrio, algo que sólo viene con la edad y madurez.

Los nativos americanos creen que las libélulas son mensajeros, llevando los pensamientos lejos, a otras personas. Soñar con ellas, atrae la suerte y el conocimiento ancestral. La libélula habita en dos mundos – el agua y el aire.  La mayor parte de su  vida viven como una ninfa, en el agua. A medida que maduran y pasan por su metammorphosis, pasan al dominio del aire estado en que solo viven unos meses. La libélula adulta tiene un tiempo de vida corto,lo hace todo en este poco tiempo. Lo que me hace pensar que la vida a veces es corta y hay que aprender a vivir el instante enfocarnos en el presente.

Las libélulas simbolizan el cambio en la perspectiva de la auto-realización, la madurez mental, emocional y la comprensión profunda del significado de la vida.
La vida es un proceso que a veces nos exige transformarnos y adaptarnos a los cambios, ser conscientes que la vida nos llevará por el camino indicado sin forzarla para que cumplamos nuestra misión en esta existencia, prestemos atención a nuestros  pensamientos y deseos que guardamos en nuestro interior.
En nuestro vuelo por este mundo debemos aprender a fluir y a vivir intensamente.

miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2017

Meditation a Journey to your Inner World


We have all heard about the benefits of meditation. Some people practice it and others pass by doubting the benefits of such simple practice. It is so simple that perhaps for this reason the favor of doubt is attributed to it. Sometimes without experiencing it.
          Meditation is not only the action of sitting in an empty place and disconnecting with the outside, which is ideal. The goal of this practice is to achieve a state of peace and harmony with ourselves and our environment. Recover control and continue our daily lives in the healthiest way possible. Regardless of external events.
At this time many people talk and they know that they need to meditate for the many benefits that help us to improve our mental state and reduce the anxiety and stress submerging for a few minutes in a state of interior silence where we learn to disconnect from the outer world, helps reduce the risk of psychosomatic diseases, prevents insomnia, relaxes the muscles and relieves us of accumulated tensions, gives us emotional tranquility, but above all gives us self-consciousness about our own body and allows us to develop concentration.
By meditating we are so relaxed and our body is so closely intertwined with what we are doing, that we can connect with our feelings, with our instincts. It is a natural action of the human being, connecting with himself and with nature. That we have been losing as we become adults. And that we can recover when we want.
When you want to find your essence, when you want to know the answers, when you want to escape; look for a quiet, cool, clean place where you can relax for a couple of minutes, five, maybe twenty or the whole afternoon. If you have the opportunity to sit down for a moment by the river, on the beach, in a forest or anywhere that allows you to be in contact with nature, you may be able to connect with yourself. In other words, look for the NOW. By being present you can perceive with your five senses the sensations around you: The sound of the wind, the sea or the water of a river; the aroma of flowers, moss or salt; and the texture of grass, leaves or sand under your feet. All these sensations are there every time you visit these places. It only takes a moment to notice them, to realize that they are there to make them PRESENT.
 Relax your body, breathe gently until you feel comfortable (important), open your eyes to look at the clouds or close them to create the space where you would like to be in that moment. Do not think, do not remember, do not interrupt, just let your being flow.
Nature reminds us every day that we are not alone in this world. There are a multitude of beings that share with us this beautiful planet. It is enough to sit for a moment in nature and to observe, to feel, to listen and to perceive with all the senses the life that surrounds us. The simple fact of noticing how your body feels, without judging it, without engaging in a story and only feeling, this is already a meditation.
Listen to it and let it guide you, connect with the universe so that it will work in your favor. It is you who has all your answers. When you reach that peace where the outside does not exist in you. It is at that moment where your "I am" is powerful, genuine.

“Meditation is like giving a hug to ourselves, getting in touch with that awesome reality in us. While meditating we feel a deep sense of intimacy with God, a love that is inexplicable.” ~Paramahansa Yogananda

Victoria is a licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Kundalini Yoga Teacher and co-owner of Healing Harmony Wellness Center, located at 9690 W. Sample Rd, suite #204, Coral Springs. For more information call 954 605 3800 or visit www.HealingHar.com

miércoles, 9 de agosto de 2017





At some point in time, the use of alternative therapies has grown remarkably all over the world. But above all, it is striking how it has done so in the West, since in many other places these practices of natural medicine have always been used, forming part of even their national health system, where they are applied in combination with Allopathic medicine (traditional, orthodox or current medicine).
This fact is very significant and comes to show the need that many have to cover with another type of aid, those areas  that conventional medicine doctors do not reach. Getting the combination of both techniques leads to a better recovery.
Despite the differences between the two medicines, their goal of restoring health is common. Therefore, we can also consider them as complementary.
Reiki can improve the quality of life of cancer patients

 by reducing their levels of anxiety, depression and fatigue. It is used as a complementary treatment to reduce the pain caused by cancer and the side effects of the treatments.

Reiki for cancer does not treat symptoms directly, rather, it generates the balance of the whole system- body, mind and spirit -channeling the vital energy that surrounds us to activate our body's healing abilities. Reiki itself is intelligent, acting where it is most needed.

For the treatment of cancer, basically three types of procedures are performed; Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Because of these procedures there is a significant weakness in the patient's immune system, and a fundamental cure is difficult.

Dr. Mikao Usui

Due to this decrease of the immune system, the treatment of Reiki is of great help as complementary therapy, always working together with the different medical specialists.

Reiki brings the client to a state of relaxation, it reduces anxiety, stress, depression and increases energy to the immune system, reducing or eliminating side effects produced by chemotherapy and radiation therapy, potentiating at the same time the beneficial effects of this therapy and conventional treatments.
 Reiki can help release the toxins of their treatment and lessen their discomfort. Reiki can also calm their emotions, help them to deal with the fatigue, and strengthen them so that they can "keep going" during the difficult time.

All this comes down to achieving an improvement in the client's quality of life.
Reiki is a non-invasive technique that benefits the cancer patient; without side effects or complications. Whatever the stage of the patient's illness, whether they have just been diagnosed or is well advanced, Reiki will always do well.

Victoria is a licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Master and co-owner of Healing Harmony Wellness Center, located at 9690 W. Sample Rd, suite #204, Coral Springs.
 For more information call 954 605 3800 or visit www.HealingHar.com